
The DOI registration number
Japan Link Center(JaLC)
supports permanent linking to academic information by DOI
JaLC is the only Japanese organization authorized by the DOI Foundation as a Registration Agency (RA) for DOI.
Administered jointly by academic institutions in Japan.
DOIs are assigned to various digital content including scholarly papers, books, research data, and e-learning,
and are managed along with the content location (URL).

About JaLC


To activate academic research, we require to be able to access academic contents of high quality and reliable on the internet, anytime, anyone, anywhere you want to do.

In the field of academic contents, for example, academic thesis, publications, they assign number the "DOI" (Digital Object Identifier), that is a global Identifier, to contents, and manage the "DOI" with location information of contents, and enable permanent access to them.

About JaLC

JaLC is a system that manages bibliography and location information of electronic academic contents.

  • Metadata integration and DOI registration by JaLC
  • Wide accessibility and findability for users over the world
  • Nation wide location resolving of various types of digital contents
  • Multi-byte compatible metadata search service

The board member includes main contents holders such as National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), National Institute of Informatics (NII), National Diet Library (NDL) and Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST).

JaLC DOI can only be registered by Japanese corporations and organizations in Japan.Please refer to the link below for details regarding other Registration Agencies.


Join us

Under Construction


The Experimental Project of DOI Registration for Research Data

Establish operation flows to register DOIs for research data

Set policies in registering DOIs for research data
Establish operation flows to register DOIs for research data with JaLC system.
Test Data DOI registrations

October 2014 - October 2015

Participating institutions
Japan Science and Technology Agency
National Institute of Polar Research
National Institute of Informatics
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
Chiba University Library
National Institute for Materials Science
RIKEN Brain Science Institute


Under Construction


【Scheduled Events】

Not currently

【Past Events】

Webinar on JAPAN OPEN SCIENCE SUMMIT 2021:Persistent ID - It's latest movement

  • [Date]June 15, 2021

The PID Graph: Realizing the power of relational metadata
Matt Buys (Executive Director, DataCite)

DOI for Japanese academic content and PID collaboration
Masashi Hara (Manager, JST)

Research Organization Registry (ROR): Open Organization Identifiers to Connect Research
Maria Gould (ROR Project Lead, CDL)

Using PIDs at the US Department of Energy
Carly Robinson (Assistant Director, OSTI DOE)

Beyond PIDs: the importance of open scholarly infrastructure
Ed Pentz (Executive Director, Crossref)

DOI Outreach Meeting 2015 in Tokyo

  • [Date]December 3 (Thur.), 2015
  • [Venue]JST Tokyo Headquarters, Science Plaza, 5-3, Yonbancho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-8666, Japan
DOI Outreach Meeting 2015

Keiko Shirokizawa, Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)

Norman Paskin, IDF

Report on "The Experimental Project of DOI Registration for Research Data"
Hideaki Takeda, Joint Steering Committee, JaLC

Registering DOIs for Research Data: updates from DOI Registration Agencies (DataCite)
Patricia Cruse, DataCite

Registering DOIs for Research Data: updates from DOI Registration Agencies (ISTIC)
Qiao Xiaodong, Wanfang Data

Registering DOIs for Research Data: updates from DOI Registration Agencies (Crossref)
Chuck Koscher, Crossref

Advantage of registering DOIs, including use cases from Crossref
Chuck Koscher, Crossref

Advantage of registering DOIs, including use cases from EIDR
Raymond Drewry, EIDR

Advantage of registering DOIs, including use cases from mEDRA
Paola Mazzucchi, mEDRA

Diversification of Content, including speakers from NDL
Atsuko Ito, National Diet Library(NDL)

Diversification of Content, including speakers from Institutional Repository (AMANE)
Hiroshi Horii, AMANE.LLC

Diversification of Content, including speakers from airiti
Estelle Cheng, airiti

Wrap Up
Norman Paskin, IDF

CrossRef and JapanLinkCenter Joint workshop on The 16th Library Fair & Forum

  • [Date]November 6 (Tue.), 2014
  • [Venue]PACIFICO YOKOHAMA,1-1-1 Minato Mirai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama 220-0012, Japan
The 16th Library Fair & Forum

Holding of a use briefing session on The 15th Library Fair & Forum

  • [Date]October 29 (Tue.), 2013
  • [Venue]PACIFICO YOKOHAMA,1-1-1 Minato Mirai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama 220-0012, Japan
The 15th Library Fair & Forum

Holding of a use briefing session on The 14th Library Fair & Forum

  • [Date]November 20 (Tue.), 2012
  • [Venue]PACIFICO YOKOHAMA,1-1-1 Minato Mirai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama 220-0012, Japan
The 14th Library Fair & Forum


JaLC system is delivered by:
Secretariat of JaLC Management Committee
(Japan Science and Technology Agency; JST
Department for Information Infrastructure)

Mail Adress Twittar

Please be sure that you can only send inquiries
in English or Japanese.
Please note that we may not be able to answer inquiries
sent via free e-mail services (ex. Gmail,Yahoo mail ).